Saturday, May 10, 2008

A bad night!

Just about midnight last night they hooked up a potassium rider as Kent was low on potassium, which isn't anything new. He has been getting potassium several times a day. Well, last night the IV pump didn't work right and he received in an hour the potassium that should of taken four hours to receive. Needless to say it turned into a long night. They were concerned with the side affects that could happen, one of which was a problem with his heart. We spent several hours keeping a close watch on him. I finally laid down about 4:00 o'clock. Thank goodness there weren't any side affects. Today has been a good day, considering the night that we had. Kent did get up and go for a walk this morning. He is still struggling with diarrhea. The chemo that he received yesterday didn't help with the problem, so they started him on medication for the problem, plus he is on a clear diet for the time being. Hopefully it will soon be under control. He did get on the computer today for a while. I think he was checking the news out. We did watch part of a basketball game this evening. Our days seem to run together. The first thing that I do every morning is write the day of the week and the date on the white board that is in our room. A couple of the kids were here today. One of our grandsons was baptised this evening. Wish we could of been there. We are hoping for a better night. So far so good!!! I think starting on Wednesday, Kent will be receiving steroids by mouth for four days and then they will do another bone marrow biopsy. Keep praying that the biopsy will come back with no leukemia cells.


Anonymous said...

We are so sorry to hear about your terrible night! It was good that everything turned out alright! We are praying for you every chance that we get. Stay strong, stay positive. You both are doing so much! We love you!

NanC said...

Happy Mother's Day Sharon
Kent, hope you've had a good day considering the night you had. Keep your chin up.