Monday, May 12, 2008

Just another day!!

This has been a day of infusion of platelets, along with two units of whole blood. Hopefully, tomorrow he will have more energy after getting the blood. He has had a fever on and off all day plus his blood pressure has been up. They did a chest ex-ray this morning but we haven't heard the results. He did go for a walk after the chest ex-ray while he still had on his protective clothing. He is still on a clear liquid diet. He says nothing has any taste. I guess that is one of the side affects of chemo. At times he seems to be getting discouraged but keeps saying that he is hanging in there. Chris was here this afternoon for a while. I think they need each other as they both are going through a difficult time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad Chris can be there and spend time with his dad. I know Kent is probably so happy to get to spend time with his kids, I just wish it were under better circumstances. WE love you guys!