Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Our journey is coming to an end!!

Today has been a day of decision making. Kent decided that he didn't want any more treatment. He feels like he gave it his best. There were just so many things that were against him. The last thing was that he has a fungus growing in the blood and probably in the lungs as he has had so many problems with his lungs. We decided that we would stay here at the hospital until he passed but by evening I told him that I didn't want to stay here in this little dark room any longer. It was ok as long as we were fighting, but once we decided not to fight anymore I wanted to go some place where we have windows to look out of and lots of light. A place where all of the kids can come visit. Glen and Genette had opened their home to us along with Jodi and Chris. Glen has the most room. As soon as we decided we wanted to leave, Glen was on the phone making arrangements for hospice to come in. He is a hospice doctor but will have one of his partners take care of Kent. Kent will continue to get platelets daily so that he doesn't bleed out and they will keep him comfortable. It will probably not be a long process. I am not ready to let him go but it is his decision. I will support him the best I can. That was a hard decision for me to come to, but because I love him I need to let go when the time comes. Kent's children have all rallied around us. I am so glad we came up here for treatment so he could be near his children. We have had a wonderful sixteen years together. I am so glad we retired when we did and were able to enjoy almost nine years doing the things that we wanted to do. Two years ago Kent felt very strongly that we needed to buy a home and have a home base for the winters and then come north in the summer to be around the children up here. He felt that home base should be somewhere close to the girls in Arizona because he knew that I would want to be near them if something happened to him. There are so many other things that have happened to prepare us for this experience. At the time we didn't realize what was happening but now as we look back we know it was the hand of the Lord guiding us. I hope he can hang on till at least Thursday. Both of the girls are coming from Arizona. Alison will be here tomorrow night and Nicole will be here Thursday morning. They are just staying a short time but they both want to see him before he goes. They will come back with their families for the funeral. Sam is flying in from Denver, on Saturday, for the weekend. Hopefully he will hold on until then. Randy is going to come for the funeral and then go to Arizona with me for a few days. It makes me so sad that our children have not all met each other. Nicole kept telling us that we needed to have a family reunion so that everyone could meet each other because she didn't want to do it at a funeral. I guess she was right. I thought we would have more time. It just goes to show that we don't know when something like this is going to happen. So make the best of each day. I will continue to post the blog until the end. Keep us in your prayers.


Crazy Petersens said...

Your news makes me so sad yet I know that there is a purpose for everything. Your Arizona ward is praying for you, Kent, and your families...please let us know what we can do to help.

Jolene Petersen

Nettie said...

Oh, our dear Sharon and Kent. I just wept and wept reading this. Being separated from those we love has got to be the most painful thing about mortality. I read in the Docterine and Covenants last night (section 101:29) where the Savior tells Joseph that there will be no more sorrow, because there will be no more death. I was comforted to know that He understands how our heart aches when we are separated through death, even though He knows it is a small moment.

I have read your entries every day and have felt so blessed by doing so. You have helped me keep every day occurrances in their proper perspective. I didn't know either of you well while you attended your meetings here, but I have grown to love you both. Bless you as you go on this sacred journey.

Nettie Winsor