Friday, May 2, 2008

More bad news!

Today was Kent's day for chemo. He was scheduled for two different chemoes. Just before they started giving him the chemo the results came in from the bone marrow biposy, from yesterday. It wasn't good. There are still blast cells in the marrow so they had to give him a third kind of chemo. It was a long afternoon; but he did well. Since then his temperture has spiked. It was a 104 the last time they took it. I just gave him some more medicine. Hopefully it will bring it down. He is doing much better with the lung/rib situtation. He is breathing a lot deeper and easier. Our spirits are still good. We are determined to give it all that we have. Hopefully, we come out the winner. Chris and Becki were here this afternoon and evening. Also our friends Nila and Phil Panter were here for a while. I did get out this afternoon and get a few groceries. Kent received "Get Well" balloons from Jodi and family today. She has been sick and hasn't been able to get down and see her dad, this week. Thanks for everything that is being done for us. We love you guys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi mom, hope things are better today, I hope the fever is gone and he is feeling alright. I love you guys I am going to call you right now.